A férjének volt egy olyan nagyon stresszes napja a munkahelyén, így amikor látta, hogy a felesége több figyelmet szentel a Koránnak, mint neki, gondoskodott róla, hogy még elkötelezettebben dicsérje a farkát
Also please make sure at the end scenes with koran, she reads koran again at the end with cum on her face, I think that would be very hot and humiliating. Also a bit more slapping of the muslims sluts would be appreciated.
több, mint 4 éve
Nice scene. I am in love with your koran scenes
So hot to see muslim girl being banged with koran in background.
Please keep koran scenes coming :-)
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Also please make sure at the end scenes with koran, she reads koran again at the end with cum on her face, I think that would be very hot and humiliating. Also a bit more slapping of the muslims sluts would be appreciated.
Nice scene. I am in love with your koran scenes
So hot to see muslim girl being banged with koran in background.
Please keep koran scenes coming :-)